Indonesia Needs Large Number of Cable & Wire to Support Electricity Infrastructure.
Indonesia with over 285 million people, having the 7th largest economy in the world is rapidly growing nation. Investment in infrastructure is shown to have a direct positive impact on Indonesia’s economic growth. Currently, the government is developing the quality of infrastructure and to boost inter-regional connectivity. One of the priorities plans 2019 is to provide 100% basic infrastructure i.e access to electricity, clean water and social housing for low-income communities.
Based on PLN’s calculation, electricity consumption is expected to rise by 1.3 times from 183.226 MW in 2013 to 244.346 MW in 2020, or by about 61 GW. This means that government of Indonesia need to increase the supply of electricity by about 7 GW per year. On average, the residential or household sector contributes for 40% of total electricity consumption, while the industrial sector contributes for 30%. The increase in demand for electricity is mainly caused by the increase in electricity consumption in the residential sector by 25GW in just 6 years (2009-2015) and is expected by 20 GW from 2015 – 2019 or 5GW per year. To fulfill the electricity growth demand and ratio target, additional capacity of around 35GW is needed in 2019. Indonesia will need a large number of cable and wire to support electricity infrastructure development.